
For Newbie Javascript Lichess Bot Developers (i.e. just me?)

After some learning curve to get the Lichess API to work, I have distilled a small test program from what I learnt.

It will use my API token and retrieve my username from the Lichess accounts API.

There's no error checking etc as I wanted as small a demo program as reasonably possible.

const baseURL = ""
const APITOKEN = "YourAPItokenHere"

const axios = require('axios')

const headers = {Authorization: `Bearer ${APITOKEN}`}
const lichess = {baseURL, headers};

(async () => {console.log((await axios.get('/api/account', lichess)).data.username)})();
At the moment I am working on some Javascript to interface Sidonia to Lichess.

Can anybody tell me: When Sidonia is finally up and running online (and not some random move player used as a testing stub), how can I make it public knowledge that she's online and accepting challenges?

I noticed I got a couple of challenges last time I posted on here, but that doesn't seem a good solution. We don't want to clog up a forum with messages saying BOT XYZ is on/offline and open/closed for rated/unrated challenges.
If you post every now and then, and watching/playing your bot is interesting/unique, people will start to follow it. As the number of follows increases, people will see that your bot is online/offline, and so the number of challenges will also increase. Try posting in these forums but also on reddit in /r/chess and other forums to spread the word once your bot is fully up and running.

If playing your bot is no different than playing stockfish, then there's no reason to play it as humans are guaranteed to lose. In that case, I'd suggest you challenge other engines for games.
I've tried adding time control information to the engine search and so its no longer a fixed depth of 6.

Hopefully I'll accept a rated challenge of 5 mins+ now, but that's untested.

I can't really be challenged by the author as the test games would unduly affect the rating of the author or the engine. I think its not allowed - not sure.

I have run into a problem with my Javascript interface between the chess Engine and the Lichess API. If I receive a challenge during a game then the Javascript isn't too aware of the state of play and will perhaps accept the challenge causing utter confusion. (Two games at once as far as my BOT is concerned.)

It's easy to set a flag when a game starts, but ...
is there a standard EVENT used to clear the flag?


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