
I don't understand soccer fans

@thenceforth said in #39:
> I only watch a football match once every few years or so... As a result, I have not yet been exposed to women commentators. What's the issue with them?
Nothing, he's just sour about everything that's occured since 1990
@BorisOspasky forgive my ignorance, but as I said, I have thus far never been exposed to football matches commentated by women. So it is hard for me to fathom what is a useless commentator. Do they just sit around and let their male counterpart do all the commenting? Or do they just not know what they're talking about?
@BorisOspasky Youre lucky you’ve not been exposed to them and no, they don’t have a bloody clue. They’re there just tick boxes.
I haven't heard them but I'm surprised they couldn't find someone competent - there are many extremely talented retired female players to approach who should easily have as much or more knowledge of the game than their counterparts.
@BorisOspasky interesting... Are you saying every female commentator is incompetent? What could be the reason for it? Are they purposedly hiring only incompetent women? Or are women just not hardwired to be football commentators?
@BorisOspasky said in #22:
> @salmon_rushdie Politics has no place in sports...if I want to attend a political rally, I’ll go to one. We never asked for and never wanted the BLM fraudsters and their cultural Marxist BS. Who was surprised to find that behind their grandstanding and self righteousness were a bunch of crooks.
"cultural Marxism" is not a thing. It is a term coined by an antisemitic conspiracy theory.

Thank God, I know you're not an antisemite, since you keep bashing Gaza supporters as antisemites.

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