
I love knight forks!

Got winning advantage in the opening. Embarrassed myself by continuing like a fool, getting myself in trouble,

But there was a happy end.

I really loved the move 38.Nc5+. One of my favorite patterns is this knight fork where the knight can be taken, only to be replaced by his brother. In German we call this "Nachlademotiv" as far as I know. What's it called in English?

If I remember correctly Eric Rosen showed this already in one of his streams, so I guess it is already common knowledge but if anybody doesn't yet know the opening trap 1.d4 d5 2.Bf4 h5 3.e3? against the London System be sure to check that variation in my analysis too.
Any move with "??" should not get the annotation "it is hard to criticize this move."

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