
Something I've always wondered about

So we look out at the universe
And we perceive it as something separate from ourselves
Yet we are part of the universe

And we dwell upon the earth
We are part of the earth
A part of nature
And not the Lords of creation
Yet we behave as if we were
And all is subject to our dominion

Is hubris just an essential part of our psychological makeup?
Why are we the way we are?
Amimals set a bad example for us,we observed them and nothing good came out exept Sahaolin animal systems kung fu
"You didn't come into this world. You came out of it, like a wave from the ocean. You are not a stranger here"
-Alan Watt (philosophical entertainer)
@Dukedog said in #1:
> So we look out at the universe
> And we perceive it as something separate from ourselves
> Yet we are part of the universe
> And we dwell upon the earth
> We are part of the earth
> A part of nature
> And not the Lords of creation
> Yet we behave as if we were
> And all is subject to our dominion
> Is hubris just an essential part of our psychological makeup?
> Why are we the way we are?
Please become a poet some day. Your too good in poems
Frankly, I've never met anyone who fancies himself or herself a "Lord of creation." Although perhaps I haven't spent enough time in Silicon Valley or the halls of Congress.

Most people are just trying to do the best they can, and, if anything, are somewhat under-confident. Some studies were done a while ago, and many found it surprising what those studies revealed: most people are quite honest and obliging, and really don't reflexively put their own needs first without regard to fairness or honor. Most wallets left deliberately on sidewalks, with cash and ID, were actually returned by strangers missing no cash!

That's a common example of putting others first. Actually most people, including without a doubt Americans, are nice.
because we are human, we have our faults and our qualities.

animals don't know politics. they have very basic powers.
an ant or a bee will not overthrow its queen, because without a queen, there is no colony and therefore assured death.

animals are not conscious of religion. they cannot praise the Creator of the world, nor reflect and philosophize on the mysteries of life.
because they have bliss and do not care about the problems of humans.

animals cannot be artists, because they have not reached the degree of evolution that we have. and they do not have to worry about beauty, but only about utility.

Maybe, it's not impossible that some animals envy our condition as humans.
not enough humans envy the simplicity and beauty of nature. Cuz it doesn't need to be envied. Nature need to be respected. And sadly, we no longer respect nature. Because of our power, because we can never use it sparingly.

and by destroying nature, we hurt G-d and risk immense sins.

we must therefore know how to be good and wise to erase the faults that the power can offers.

because we are a whole which is nothing.
@Dukedog said in #1:
> Why are we the way we are?
Nature has no purpose, no meaning. So why questions are irrelevant, as they have no answer.

We are the ones imbuing purpose to things or events.

The question is not "Why?" is "How?". That one can be answered, at least to a degree.

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