
Premove + Takeback

I just played a Crazyhouse game where I made a premove. Opponent asked for takeback, I granted takeback, and opponent made a new move, but then my previous premove happened in the new position. The situation was resolved (and game unrated anyway), so I only report a bug here.

The game was against S167r on Oct 2. Moves made before it happened:
1 f4 Nf6
2 d3 Ng4
3 e3 d5
4 Be2 Nf6
5 Nf3 Bg4
6 O-O Bxf3
7 Bxf3 h6
8 Nc3 g5
9 Nxd5 Nxd5
10 Bxd5 Qxd5
11 B@e4 Qb5
12 a4 Qb6
13 a5 Qa6
14 N@c5 Qd6
15 Bxb7 Qxc5
16 Bxa8 gxf4
17 R@c8+ B@d8
18 Rxb8 fxe3
19 d4 Qd6
20 Bxe3 Rg8
21 @e5 Qg6
22 @g3 e6
23 Bc6+

Events in chronological order:
23. .. Ke7
24. @f6+
Premove: 25. N@c8
Takeback requested and excepted (I am not sure whether takeback was requested before I did premove)
23. .. @d7
Cached premove from previous branch (24. N@c8) performed automatically
(Then we made a takeback of that move and played on)
23. .. @d7
24. N@f6+ Ke7
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