
Economic and professional chess lessons

Yes...thanks @alekhinesgun1937 . These people just don't understand, but they act like they are so smart and they know everything. But they really don't. Now a FM's simple announcement of chess classes has turned into a victim of a attack.
Genuine question here. Is advertising considered acceptable in this forum? If so, I'm kind of surprised it hasn't been overrun by ads yet.
As long as it's chess related and reasonable it is perfectly ok.
Almost always. Judging everybody, being mean and rude and not doing anything to improve themselves. There is almost no successful man who is 'toxic' because they care about themselves and don't attack/bully/taunt anybody.
@alekhinesgun1937 Tell that to Bobby Fischer he insulted everyone and made plenty of people mad yet was one of the best chess players ever to live. Mind you, he taught himself as well.
Once I signed up for a free instructional chess video created by the OP. It was about half hour long, with about 3 minutes of actual chess instruction. The rest was spent on trying to convince the watcher why he needs these lessons. And he even said that he could charge you to watch this video. I kid you not.

I would avoid OP. He's insincere and seems to be more of a salesman than a chess coach.

@Oscillations I knew that from the way he worded everything, yet I was attacked by everyone for trying to warn them. Glad an actual person such as you commented to prove my point, a shame you were fooled but if you'd like a true coach with a free first session message me and I'll get you to my coach and you can see what a true coach is like.
Then you should have attacked him on those merits and not say outrageous things such as "your FM title doesn't qualify you to be a good chess coach / host a masterclass" or injecting advertisement for your own coach.

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