
Dukedog is back!!!!

@ThePracticeGuy said in #25:
> Yes. Even after all those forums about Climate Change, nobody made a forum dedicated to you
> You deserve more respect here on Lichess:
> 1. You make people delete their comments because they realize that they were wrong
> 2. You spend lots of time on research
> 3. You started the #ClimateChangeAction on Lichess
> 4. You win many arguments (something ULTRA-rare here on Lichess)
> 5. A million other reasons
Wait, hold on. Winning arguments is RARE on Lichess?? And I thought I was just getting some debating practice!
@LordSupremeChess said in #32:
> Hey, @mikael6767!
> Haven't seen you in the longest.
Yes I know I was a little busy with vacation and coding and math and piano, sooo I missed a couple of month of chess. I was active about 2 months ago, but we played even longer ago. I can't forget you though. You are in my friends and you are very active so all my news are all about you. LordSupremChess commented here and there and more. Maybe challenge me tommorrow. I will be active all day. Like literally all day. See you soon!
@LordSupremeChess said in #30:
> Bu-bu-bu...
> But I saved the Off Topic Forum.
The off topic is a pile of garbage. I don't know that's your doing, I don't think it is, but if it is, then I wouldn't call this "saving".
@presumably said in #35:
> The off topic is a pile of garbage. I don't know that's your doing, I don't think it is, but if it is, then I wouldn't call this "saving".
Huh... maybe then it's time to dump this post into the trash can.
>?sudo delete forum post
@mikael6767 said in #33:
> Yes I know I was a little busy with vacation and coding and math and piano, sooo I missed a couple of month of chess. I was active about 2 months ago, but we played even longer ago. I can't forget you though. You are in my friends and you are very active so all my news are all about you. LordSupremChess commented here and there and more. Maybe challenge me tommorrow. I will be active all day. Like literally all day. See you soon!
Thank you!
@presumably said in #19:
> Dude are you jealous because people don't clap for you as hard as they do for Messi or for Ronaldo?
Messi and Ronaldo is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay famous than me!!!! Never mind about that post. Atleast im popular at school

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