
Got 1900 in Bullet!

During last few games , I was just trying hard achieving it...... Reaching 1897 then falling back to 1862! Going up 1892 , again falling down! I was just wasn't able to have that streak to do that..... But luckily in the last game , I was able to reach 1900!
Have you ever too experienced so much ups and downs when you are just a game far from your target?!
Great . Hope to see you 2100 next time !
Once I was at 2000 before lichess 24 hour marathon , On the marathon day I came back to 1800 . But hopefully recovered in 3 days .
<Comment deleted by user>
Congrats, I hope some day achieve this level
@Clinik said in #6:
> Congrats, I hope some day achieve this level
u already reached have 2100 elo points in ur bullet!

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