

I liked this post, I first learnt chess as a kid, but I really discovered only when I was about 21 and halfway through my pure mathematics major. My environment is not too supportive to pursue competitive chess, merely as a hobby (I live way too far away from the big city, where I could play in clubs or find a teacher... and also there's the economic --or rather, the lack of-- means to pay chess classes). I love my major, I'm about to graduate and I'd like to go to graduate school to get a PhD, but sadly this means I probably won't have the time availability to study chess as deeply as I would like to.

However, I enjoy chess very much and I feel it in myself when I play it. I've had troubles when losing games, my emotions get on my way and only worsen my performance afterwards. But I still feel I can improve my game on my own, and I want to show to others that chess is way more than a hobby. I want to improve to the point I feel "chess speaks for itself" hahaha

I'll try to stick to this, we'll see how that goes