
A way to meet the french defence(?)

With correct and accurate play by both sides (especially by black) white can probably only reach a draw. But black has to find always the correct moves till the middlegame if not even till the endgame in order not to lose. My opponent did find the correct moves. But this line is very dangerous for black. One mistake and black is lost. I recommend you to try this out in your games.
Can you justify that, or is that just an assertion of yours?
Lol! Stockfish don't even find 10.Kd2! Don't rely on engines too much!
@odoaker2015 The Jackal attack is pretty weak. Instead of your opponents move 8....Bxf2, he could calmly played 8...Nc6!. If 9.Na4. now 9...bxf2! 10.Qxf2.Qb4. 11.Nc3. Qxb2 is a better version for black, beacuse he is a tempo up.

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