
At The Top Of The Hill, Go Faster

it is always fun to read real-fictional anecdotes. a blog does not have to be a consistent essay.
I'd rather have an occasional and essential update in the community blog area than what are essentially self-help Medium articles. Example: TED was originally focused on lectures featuring experts with interesting specialty fields. Now TED/TEDx is mostly spammy, boring self-help crap, stand up routines with slides, etc. My preference is that Lichess stay focused, apolitical and information rich.
What do you have for overthinkers who hesitates a lot before playing a move?
@Rahel_K22 said in #14:
> What do you have for overthinkers who hesitates a lot before playing a move?

it has "go faster" in the caption, what more do you need? i mean its pretty pointless advice and the equivalent of "just do it", but there you have it. who wouldve thought that you need to run fast in a running competition?