
How to balance school and chess?

Just play on the weekend...your academy r important since u didn't have to become a GM...after you graduate and work...u can play how much u want
@CSKA_Moscou said in #2:
> do not play during the morning or very late in the evening. play as soon as you get home from school, 10 blitzes a day or 3 rapid. late at night or early in the morning, do tactics if you have time. I think you will be able to have a very good level while remaining a good student
Thank you CSKA_Moscou for that advice!
@Jchess202 said in #4:
> First, you seem very talented and a good chess player with excellent potential.
> Perhaps you can organize a chess club at your school which may give you more time to play and learn from others.
In most of the schools in India, chess isn't much promoted. Only two or three school events in a year, no more than that. Still I am the best player from my school.
@Malay_Singh_Baghel said in #13:
> In most of the schools in India, chess isn't much promoted. Only two or three school events in a year, no more than that. Still I am the best from my school.
Then focus fully on school. There is a big chance, that you will lose any interest in chess over the next few years. But what you learn at school, will be helpful for the rest of your life.
@swarminglocusts said in #10:
> Family first
> School second
> Chess maybe third if not more down the list.
> I found an eye opening moment when I had been playing several hours every day and analyzing g every one. When I got a tighter schedule I had only a few hours a week if that. When I finished my family and school duties and I spare time for chess I found that what I desired most was not playing all the time. I found if I studied tactics for 30-45 mins a week 3x15 minutes and some rapid games a week or blitz was enough. During this time I increased my rating faster in 4 weeks than all of that game analysis I got caught up with. Not saying that is perfect but here are some ideas to think about.
Thanks swarminglocusts!
i'm also 13 just play whenever i get time but not in the morning

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