
Question: Reporting people automatically adds users to block list.

Reporting people automatically also block their comments.
Now I assume this is done on purpose.

But I, for one, prefer the older ways, when after reporting, we were granted the option to add(or not) them to our own private blocking list. Now and days, all reporting are automatically adding users, who we report to our block user list.

I can still see users comments, if I click "show blocked comment" which is fine. (Nice feature)

But now i actively have to go unblock people, after every none game related report.
It's a small thing, but still I personally deems the old ways more convenient. And would like to return to that system.

If/when I reported people, it's generally their behaviour/comments online I report.
But the only people I have(or prefer to have) on my blocking list, or those whom I have played a chess game with, and for various reasons don't particular want to play with again.
(Example if I personally deems their behaviour of being bad sportsmanship, flagging etc.)

Can we get the option back to actively block/or not, people on our reports, instead of us actively having to go unblock someone after a report.

I mean, just because I report someone for behaviour in the Forums, this doesn't mean I don't want to play with them.
Also not all reports are targeted the forum poster, more often than not, my target of the report is the thread, and not the creator.
Could we please return to the former system, where reporting users/players don't results in an automatic block users.
But instead were asked if we wanted to block someone we reported.

Or at least, could some explain why this was changed?
I made a topic about this issue as well, and it received barely any attention.
Petty advertisers do not deserve an instant block just for being careless with the rules.
So 2 questions.
Why was this changed?
Can we revert to the former report system?

Currently the new, "automatic block players" serves as a discouragement to report misbehavior.

I am aware of it, so I can manually unblock players.
But I wasn't always aware, and I suspect many people ain't.
said in #5:
> But I wasn't always aware, and I suspect many people ain't

I was not aware of this. Thank you for telling me.
I am just going to update my question, since there have been no answer.
Is this intentional or a side affects?
Please stop automatically adding people to my personal blocking list.

If I report someones's forum posts or games, I report them, because they goes against my understanding of the ToS.
Meaning I report for various reasons. And I am not always correct.

I know this isn't Lichess intentions, but I find it disrespectful towards me, that Lichess on my behalf, decides to add people to my own personal block list.

Please allow me to decide again, personally, who I want to block.
It used to be like this.
So have it changed by error or was this intentional?

2 months, and yet no official correspondence from a moderator or programmer.

Which makes me suspect, that this is an unintentional error, and the silence from both moderator and program coder, means eachother thinks, that the issues lays on the other side.

Could I please get some correspondence on this?
Even if the correspondence is from a moderator/developer/administration, and they don't know anything about this.
Could I at least get some recognition, that my feedback has been read?
It still doesn't change the fact that it's somewhat illogical.

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