
Titled Arenas

are there gonna be anymore titled arenas anymore cause i want to watch titled player play other titled players
@lovlas: Are donations the best way to incite more titled arenas, or is there something besides the prize fund that is to blame for their recent (temporary) absence?
Donations are what keeps the wheels turning, and what allows us to do cool stuff like this.

IIRC the last titled arena was scheduled a bit early so the wait time for this one has been longer. The next one will be announced soon.
I think it's because Magnus Carlsen lost last time. The winner took the money, without leaving anything for the next titled arena. Now, somebody needs to donate lots of money to fund the next titled arena. Magnus Carlsen no longer wants to fund it. The next titled arena is going to take place as soon as a big donor is found.
#7 Nah. That has nothing to do with it. Titled arenas are budgeted and financed by lichess. People donating the prizes back allowed us to raise the prizes.

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