
Lichess Phone App

I was automatically signed out of my Lichess phone App. I tried to log in again but it keeps signing me back out. I am using the correct password. I know this because I can log on fine on my computer. I tried re-downloading the App to see if that worked but it still logs me off after a second. Any clue what's going on or what I can do.

(My phone App is very useful since I am not home often.)
Indeed I discovered it was an internet issue. For some reason, Lichess won't connect to my phone's direct internet sometimes but it will connect to Wifi.

So if you have this issue, don't think you have been banned, and don't reset your password.
Do you have your phone set up so it has limited data usage over wifi? Sometimes this will prevent apps from completing tasks. I have this problem with lichess with LG7 tablet. It is not a reflection of the app itself, as far as I can detect, rather - it appears to be related to data connection issues and whatever platform device one is using at the time.

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