
New Puzzles are here!

I love the update!
Another cool puzzle theme is the desperado.
I have already encountered it in combination with interference in puzzle #yvD1I
Awesome puzzle system!Love it!
BUt can you control rating decreased?
Lost -238 on a siingle puzzle after got it wrong :/
Best christmas ever!
Does anyone know what the difficulty options mean? I'd assumed choosing 'hardest' would offer harder puzzles, but got a puzzle 600 below my rating with this option.
Throwing in some more praise to the mix: this update is unreal, and really allows new players to work on skills in a deliberate and specific manner. Being able to draw on a huge number of puzzles by motif is amazing, and all for free! Big shout out to lichess and everyone putting in hard work to make such a usable, accessible, and no frills site to enjoy chess. I'm sure the small rating kinks that people are describing will be sorted soon!
Would be nice to have comments enabled on puzzles like on ChessTempo.

Mostly good but still some bad ones like this one :

After solution it's still unclear how to decisively win/gain material. Needs more moves.

Overall thx for the update!

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