
What do you think of my interpretation of the Book of Revelation here?

Revelatory obfuscation. You'd think if an all powerful being wanted us to know something,
We'd know it
So, an entity has x properties, history, experiences, etc.
If I make a description of said entity (IE, entity has a red shirt), but said description has inaccuracies (described with a blue shirt), while the description is based on something "real", im describing something that it is not real.

So, every time you interpret something in the bible, you distort the main protagonist or the events of the book.

Since this has been done from version to version, by the time you arrive to whichever version you are using to further distort the main protagonist or the events, you are distorting something that doesnt nor couldnt exist already.

So, there may or may not be a god or gods, but the one described in the bible does not exist. So your interpretation is like the rating in lichess. It doesnt matter.
@Alientcp said in #42:
> So, an entity has x properties, history, experiences, etc.
> If I make a description of said entity (IE, entity has a red shirt), but said description has inaccuracies (described with a blue shirt), while the description is based on something "real", im describing something that it is not real.
> So, every time you interpret something in the bible, you distort the main protagonist or the events of the book.
> Since this has been done from version to version, by the time you arrive to whichever version you are using to further distort the main protagonist or the events, you are distorting something that doesnt nor couldnt exist already.
> So, there may or may not be a god or gods, but the one described in the bible does not exist. So your interpretation is like the rating in lichess. It doesnt matter.
Let me introduce to you the argument from the non-absolute nature of proof of God:
If we kenw for sure that God was real ("if the servant knew when his master was coming"), we would all be good to enter Heaven, even Hitler ("he would not have let his house be broken into"). You cannot call a man brave for not flinching when he knows that the gun they are pointing at him is a cigarette lighter. In the same way, you cannot call a person good if he does something because he knows that he will be rewarded. To have real free will, we must also have ignorance about God.
P.S.: The one thing my country has failed at is reading the Bible.
@shashankfromindia said in #43:
> If we kenw for sure that God was real ("if the servant knew when his master was coming"), we would all be good to enter Heaven, even Hitler.

Hitler was a Roman Catholic.

It does not matter which sin you commit, as long as you believe and repent, you are good to enter heaven.
I would assume he is in heaven (if such a thing exists, which I dont think its the case).

There is only 1 sin that is unforgivable. Disbelief.

And I dont think that ignorance of a god is a necessity for free will.

For instance, if the god of the bible was real, I would not follow it anyways. I have actual moral values. Couldnt follow a murderer psyco.

> P.S.: The one thing my country has failed at is reading the Bible.

I dont consider that a fail.
@Alientcp said in #44:
> And I dont think that ignorance of a god is a necessity for free will.
I am just saying if the proof of God was absolute (if we knew the gun pointed at us was a cigarette lighter), we would never do wrong (we would not flinch or be afraid of the gunman).
But do you think we would be called brave for not flinching at a gun we knew was only a cigarette lighter? We would only be called brave if we did not know that it was a cigarette lighter.
@shashankfromindia said in #46:
> I am just saying if the proof of God was absolute (if we knew the gun pointed at us was a cigarette lighter), we would never do wrong (we would not flinch or be afraid of the gunman).

As I said. Hitler was a Roman Catholic. In his eyes, god was real, still, he did what he did.

But as I also said, the only unforgivable sin is to not believe. So you can be a believer, do wrong, repent and still go into the VIP club. There is a loophole in the system.

So, its irrelevant if the god was real, the loophole will let them join if they did wrong either way so long they repent.
@shashankfromindia said in #47:
> At least people should give it a good thought.

Do you really have to give magic the benefit of the doubt?
Its a fantasy book. Abra Kadabra. Things exist because of an enchantment.
@Alientcp said in #48:
> As I said. Hitler was a Roman Catholic. In his eyes, god was real, still, he did what he did.
> But as I also said, the only unforgivable sin is to not believe. So you can be a believer, do wrong, repent and still go into the VIP club. There is a loophole in the system.
> So, its irrelevant if the god was real, the loophole will let them join if they did wrong either way so long they repent.
The demons also believe, but shudder. - James

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