
what is you phobia?

@KrishaMorjariya23 said in #6:
> Kidophobia (Is there anything like this?)

I think you mean pedophobia. On the other hand I'm the opposite, a pedophi--wait.
Another one of my fears are : hippopotomonstrosesquippedsaliophobia - which is the fear of long words. i almost died saying that!!!
@Viyaan_d said in #24:
haha! I am quite surprised that its the real name (as seen from Google) and not made up phobia name... Surely, anyone who has it will have a good time learning the name...

Btw, i have terrible fear of heights..
Necrophobia-fear of death and dead things
Creepy-crawliesphobia-fear of creepy-crawlies
@bikkel21 said in #22:
> mine is aibohphobia, the fear of palindromes
@Viyaan_d said in #24:
> Another one of my fears are : hippopotomonstrosesquippedsaliophobia - which is the fear of long words. i almost died saying that!!!

I have aibohpoilasdeppiuqsesortsnomotopoppihhippopotomonstrosesquippedsaliophobia -- the fear of long palindromes.

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