
One thing I miss about

Are useful hints when you blunder or make a mistake

"You missed a change to take a vulnerable pawn" or "You missed a change to move an attacked knight to safety".

I find those sorts of tips useful when calculating in my game and post-game analysis like this will quickly enable me to determine why a move was bad, not just it was a bad move.
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I left chessdotcom a few years ago before such automatic annotations had been developed so I haven't seen them, but I doubt that they are trustworthy. Chess playing software doesn't calculate moves in the same way that human players do, so translating machine evaluations into human ones will be artificial and prone to error, I believe. (I'd be very interested to be contradicted by anyone who knows better, though.)

I value Lichess because it resists going down the road of implementing features which are popular but of dubious value.
> I value Lichess because it resists going down the road of implementing features which are popular but of dubious value

hold my accurracy ...

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