
Sacrificing material for perpetual check - looking for instructive games

I am currently looking for instructive games, where a player is in a bad or otherwise hopeless middlegame position, and sacrifices one or more pieces to remove the defending pawns and/or pieces in front of the opponent's king to be able to deliver perpetual check as a means of saving himself from losing the game.

Can you think of any good examples?

Also I can vaguely remember a game - I think it was a pretty well known one - where a player delivered the perpetual with a knight or two knights instead of the usual queen. For the life of me I can't find it again. Any ideas?

Many thanks in advance for taking your time!
Well, I haven't played any such game and don't know any OTB game like that but I do have played some in which I sacrificed in order to draw but in a winning position in order not to lose on the critical low time.
@Akbar2thegreat The reason I am looking for material on swindles, defenses, saving lost positions is, that I am preparing a presentation for my local chess club on the topic "How not to lose - How to save a lost game". While what you describe does not give me what I asked for, your answer is more valuable to me than you might realize! To prevent a loss on time by sacrificing to remove the opponent's last remaining pieces, thereby securing draw is something I had not yet thought of to include in my lecture. So thank you very much indeed for giving me the idea!
And since your topic is all about saving lost games, that gives you an even more entertaining field to explore: sacs for stalemate. One such acknowledged evergreen being Bird-Englisch 1883.

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