
The current world chess championship is causing draw death. It's time to stop chess from draw death.

There is a chess variant that I read about a while ago that allows a player to capture their own pieces to be held in reserve and later be dropped anywhere on the chessboard. Self captured pawns could only be placed up to the seventh rank. As an example, the player can capture their own the queen in reserve and then place that queen on the next turn anywhere on the chessboard. Once that queen is captured by the enemy's gone forever from the board.

This variant allows you the benefits of drop chess with just one set of chess pieces without the need to bring multiple copies of the same pieces as would be required in Crazyhouse or possibly even Bughouse. But this variant would save chess from the obvious problem of draw death that's going on right now. This world chess championship will kill classical chess as we know it. The calls for its demise will become so loud that it can no longer be ignored.. Who wants to watch something for two or more hours only to see it trickle down to a lifeless draw?

Chess variants like this one would save it. Also Kramnik's experiments in sideways chess, self capture chess need to be urgently explored to help fix this embarrassing problem in chess. Chess is facing a serious crisis that can no longer be ignored but will soon cause it's own demise because of the inherent problems built into the rules which professional players exploit to cause massive gluts in draws. This needs to stop.
1st) 99% of all chess players do not have a draw problem.
2nd) Nobody knows, how many draws these variants will produce, when the top players will have reached the same level of play, that they have today in normal chess.
@Curious1 said in #1:
> But this variant would save chess from the obvious problem of draw death that's going on right now. This world chess championship will kill classical chess as we know it.

A high draw percentage isn't anything new. Nor is it unique to chess (look at international draughts for instance). It's not clear to me why this is a problem, why it needs fixing, and it is certainly not clear to me why such a radial variant is going to be the solution.

> Chess is facing a serious crisis that can no longer be ignored but will soon cause it's own demise because of the inherent problems built into the rules which professional players exploit to cause massive gluts in draws.

Do you have any figures to back up your claim that chess if facing a crisis, or that it is its own demise? I'm also curious which rules professional players are exploiting.
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@VisionsOfNeal said in #4:
> There is an easy way out of the drawing problem: Draws are simply not accepted!
> - Draw offers will be eliminated from the game.
> - Not allowed to repeat moves. If possible, you have to play a different move. If being forced into repetition, you lose.
> - The first player to play fifty moves without progress loses.
> - The only game that will be handled as a draw is when all pieces have gone from the board.
> What do you think?

I say, play a few hundred games with those rules using classical time controls and see how you like it.

I for one am not looking forward to 200+ move matches where the outcome is already know by move 30.
@VisionsOfNeal said in #4:
> There is an easy way out of the drawing problem: Draws are simply not accepted!
> - Draw offers will be eliminated from the game.
> - Not allowed to repeat moves. If possible, you have to play a different move. If being forced into repetition, you lose.
> - The first player to play fifty moves without progress (pawn move or capture) loses.
> - The only game that will be handled as a draw is when all pieces have gone from the board.
> What do you think?
@VisionsOfNeal said in #4:
> There is an easy way out of the drawing problem: Draws are simply not accepted!
> - Draw offers will be eliminated from the game.
> - Not allowed to repeat moves. If possible, you have to play a different move. If being forced into repetition, you lose.
> - The first player to play fifty moves without progress (pawn move or capture) loses.
> - The only game that will be handled as a draw is when all pieces have gone from the board.
> What do you think?
Nevermind draws boring us all to death.. the talk of stopping draws is boring us to death. Whats wrong with people not appreciating that the top players actually play like top players and play not to lose? Isn't the idea for white to win and black to stop white winning (by virtue of the fact white gets to move first)?

How many people (true competitors) would play in the world championship final and then take unnecessary risks and potentially lose? I'd suggest thats why none of these armchair / keyboard world champs are actually ever going to even get close to be a champion of anything.

I mean, if you want more goals in football, make the goals 50 yards wide and say the home team must win or they lose. Sounds kind of stupid to me.
@VisionsOfNeal said in #4:
> There is an easy way out of the drawing problem: Draws are simply not accepted!
> - Draw offers will be eliminated from the game.
> - Not allowed to repeat moves. If possible, you have to play a different move. If being forced into repetition, you lose.
> - The first player to play fifty moves without progress (pawn move or capture) loses.
> - The only game that will be handled as a draw is when all pieces have gone from the board.
> What do you think?
are you gonna change chess rules it will not change in a hundred years!
There is an easy way out of the drawing problem: Draws are simply not accepted!
Dude as long as your oppenent does not make mistake it is impossible to win. I still dont understand why people have issues with draws. Any person I found who has over 1500+ FIDE rating doesnt mind draws. If you want action go watch action movie.

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