
Feature request: automatically deselect a piece after X seconds

It occurs regularly I select a piece, intending to move it, and then change my mind, want to move another piece and just click the target field without selecting that piece. I am probably just a retard for this, but does anyone else recognize this? To mitigate this, it would be nice to have a feature to automatically deselect a piece after say three seconds or so, disable by default of course.
Erm not entirely sure exactly what you mean but you could always try , confirm move feature .
I've added it on my TODO list for the LiChess Tools browser extension.

Although it feels like you will have just as many issues when you want to move the piece just when it deselects.
maybe there can be such option , but better to make it turn off or on based on Players desires
@awvdh , the feature will be available in the LiChess Tools browser extension from version 2.3.37 (probably going to be published tomorrow).
@TotalNoob69 said in #6:
> @awvdh , the feature will be available in the LiChess Tools browser extension from version 2.3.37 (probably going to be published tomorrow).

Thanks, I'm going to try it out!

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