
What isn't as difficult as people say it is?

@AdrianMos said in #19:
> Math with pie (3.14...)and radius on a pie graph with fractions... I think that’s hard for a 8 year child
> I’m 8 years old though
its easy, tell learn about basic calculus proofs of approximation and you will understand
@Enver_Ediz said in #21:
> its easy, tell learn about basic calculus proofs of approximation and you will understand
approximation... that’s easy!
do you all have to quote whole long megabyte long posts...
...just to answer briefly "okay" or "agreed" ??

can you not pick the keysentence that you're referring to??

sabotage on readability that is ... like 80% unnecessary pages to scroll through,

you know !
Many aspects of "maturing" may not be as difficult as they are commonly portrayed.

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