
Your favorite horror movie

@ Firegoat7 said in #21:
> The Titanic it works on so many levels.
In that case I pick "Jaws". It works on so many beaches.
@Akbar2thegreat In that case, what criteria would you use to identify a horror movie? I'm a major horror movie buff, so I'm honestly interested.
@clousems said in #24:
> @Akbar2thegreat In that case, what criteria would you use to identify a horror movie? I'm a major horror movie buff, so I'm honestly interested.
Ideally, there is nothing 100% in any aspect.
And horror by itself does not exist.
It is blend of genres actually.
So, it depends on proportion of genres mixed to induce horror effect.
1920 London in itself was good horror mixed but on comparison with Conjuring it falls apart. Resident Evil is better and Funny Games is bit deep but interesting. Also, Kanchana (Indian) series is nice and one of the best ones among all movies I have ever watched. It is world famous for a reason. Demonte Colony (Indian) is an underrated movie not known much at global level but if you see you understand how the producer mixed genres. Game Over (Indian) may be slightly predictable but it is no less. Incantation is overall a worth watch and Spell is bit spine chilling. Dybbuk (Indian) is nice enough and Prometheus is not bad.
Not bad?
He gotst to get his liver ripped out by Zeus every morning!
What, pray tell, doth thee condone as life?

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