
turn this forum into an argument

@Aritra_saha6905 said in #9:
> Nah i was not saying about our culture like let's think commonly a cow is an animal a chicken or goat or fish is also an animal of we can eat those where does the problem lies in beef
> This is the main topic of argument

According to Vedic scriptures, eating beef is a great sin.
You guys what point of this why can’t we just beef in Hindu like jsut buy a beef and cook it in India like why can’t we not eat beef in India
@Psris221 said in #12:
> You guys what point of this why can’t we just beef in Hindu like jsut buy a beef and cook it in India like why can’t we not eat beef in India
its illegal.
Let's take Saudi Arabia- where you cannot practice any religion other than Islam outdoors/publically. Or North Korea (no religion)
same case- law imposes restrictions to a Hindu-majority country (80%)
well then learn the meaning of an argument and come back, @ChessKing1015056 .
Here's the meaning- exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one.
2.a reason or set of reasons given in support of an idea, action or theory.

hope ya got it, mate
@LeftCleverGlove said in #19:
> well then learn the meaning of an argument and come back, @ChessKing1015056 .
> Here's the meaning-
> exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one.
> 2.a reason or set of reasons given in support of an idea, action or theory.
> hope ya got it, mate
Got it, thanks for the lesson! But next time, let’s skip the dictionary and just focus on making the best moves on the board.