
glicko vs centipaw loss

Is there any stat relating gkicko ranking vs average centipaw loss for a determined time???
it's weird. I've compared my average centipawn loss to top players. mine is actually lower than theirs. I think it is highly dependent on playstyle. because if I played them i would still lose
A low acp can sometimes be deceptive in long games where one player was dominating the other for dozens of moves before winning. ACP is an indication of quality of play, but an imperfect one.
@p-wnattack Please - How did you find your average centipawn loss? Can you sort your games by ACP?
> How did you find your average centipawn loss?

Indeed embedded lichess analysis is pure trash. Its deepness is insufficient.
all the people who never resign would have the lowest ACPL because they just keep shuffling the king around in the endgame that's a guaranteed loss and the moves have a loss of 0 centipawns (because you can't improve a 100% lost position, so any move is "perfect" to the computer), and then BOOM, insanely low ACPL because you padded the game with like 40 extra moves.
@qqqqqqqq1 sounds about right there are a lot of ways to pad stats. also if your opponents don't resign it pads your stats too.
@killF7 you need to go to chess insights then go average centipawn loss by variant or whatever.

It's hard to compare against a lot of people because most people make theirs private
Maybe like Glycko = 3000 - 20 * AcPL
Comparing ACP between games is utterly pointless. It means absolutely nothing outside the of the context of the individual game in which it occurred.

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