
Carlsen won't play a WC match anymore

Remember the famous guy who beat Spassky? or the ones who beat Karpov, Kasparov, kramnik, and Anand, or even Deep Blue? ...all legends today.

The only reason why Magnus doesn’t want to defends his title is because he wants to go undefeated.

He basically doesn’t want anybody to become the famous guy who defeated the greatest of all time.

That’s his prerogative for sure, but that’s morally unfair in chess world. Seriously, that’s a big NO!

I’m a great fan of Magnus, I root for him every game (unless he plays against Judith Polgar), but I also wants to see what it takes to beat him squarely. There has to be a next one on the list, even if I will be sad if it happens.
@BeaverB1xQD8 said in #13:
> Remember the famous guy who beat Spassky? or the ones who beat Karpov, Kasparov, kramnik, and Anand, or even Deep Blue? ...all legends today.
> The only reason why Magnus doesn’t want to defends his title is because he wants to go undefeated.
> He basically doesn’t want anybody to become the famous guy who defeated the greatest of all time.
> That’s his prerogative for sure, but that’s morally unfair in chess world. Seriously, that’s a big NO!
> I’m a great fan of Magnus, I root for him every game (unless he plays against Judith Polgar), but I also wants to see what it takes to beat him squarely. There has to be a next one on the list, even if I will be sad if it happens.

Magnus doesn't want Ian to win so he's gonna play h4 and a5 openings vs. Ian lol
Carlsen isn't the best player. Best is Kasparov and then Fischer, Capablanca, Tal, Alekhine, Lasker, Petrosian, Keres.
Also Carlsen of 2013 was much stronger than Carlsen of 2022.
Please stop spreading rumours and false information of Carlsen not playing WC match....... Are you his brother.... No na, then pls stop doing that.....!
@ThunderClap said in #2:
> Carlsen needs to announce TODAY he will defend his Crown vs NEPO the Challenger who WON the Candidates with Plus 5 ... The Fans want to see the match & NOT NEPO becoming Champion without beating Carlsen in a match ... Carlsen will be Champion 10 years in 2023 LEGACY he should win vs Nepo but Nepo has earned his shot with Plus 5

Carlsen doesn't need to announce anything.

The ball is now in FIDE's court. FIDE needs to find a place to hold the match, and finance the prize fund. Then it can turn to Carlsen and Nepo, and say "Heh guys, fancy a match? Here are the conditions.".
funny, now that he changed the wc challenger rules from match to tournament, he doesnt want to play anymore?

he is an awesome player and fun to watch, but i really hate the change, at least make em change it back and then quit wc matches.
@Abigail-III said in #18:
> Carlsen doesn't need to announce anything.
> The ball is now in FIDE's court. FIDE needs to find a place to hold the match, and finance the prize fund. Then it can turn to Carlsen and Nepo, and say "Heh guys, fancy a match? Here are the conditions.".

or they can just drug em up and hypnotize him for years, and say " he didnt want to play and thats the justification"

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