
why people still don't live on mars?

why don't people still don't live on mars since earth and mars have a lot in common. well one thing is if you weight 20 pounds on earth you would weight only 7.6 pounds on mars! And also there were 3 mars rover and looks like there a problem other wise people would live on mars. But in fact there 20% that there is air on mars! Why only 20%? well air or oxygen comes from trees. and theirs no trees on mars. but makes the 20%? Well there are living things on mars! But there more. pls tell me it
Phytoplankton is also a major producer of oxygen on earth.

I think the differences far outweigh the similarities.
The soil looks like it would kill plants, not much water for agriculture, too far away from Earth, you get it. It just ain't logical settle in environment with all those challenges and more with no strategic benefits.
People don't even know their own genders these days, does anyone believe such individuals will accomplish mars colonization? I highly doubt it <3
People don't live on Mars because the Martians aren't exactly hospitable. Even my favorite one of them is a little weird with those strange wires coming out of the back of his head!
@Blueberrypoptizle said in #7:
> @HerkyHawkeye I would love more context if its disclosed.
Context or protext, it doesn't matter because cell phones just don't work on the red planet. Try it for yourself. Try to text somebody on Mars, it just doesn't go through. It's too darn hot, their cell phones are cooking. Kind of like when you leave your cell phone on the dash of your car and the screen goes dark. Trust me.
We probably used to live on mars and turned it into a dust bowl like we will do to this planet then move to the next planet , we are ****ing useless as a species that we cant live in balance with the environment because of money , power and greed .smh. So sad xxx

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