
Players who quit instead of resigning - what to do?

Hello there,

This is my first post here.

What are we supposed to do against players who quit instead of resigning? Of every 10 games, at least two players quit instead of resigning. This gets really obnoxious really quickly and there's nothing to do. People with 60% game completion are playing against people with 100% game completion. Shouldn't we have game completion tiers or something, to avoid that kind of behavior? That way people who quit would mostly face one another and fewer people would be harmed.
This is a major problem in online chess and there is no easy solution. People will continue to leave games because they don't want to click "Resign". While pairing people with similar completion tiers is a good idea, it probably won't solve the problem because it will make it difficult to pair people of the similar rating if you have very small range of completion rate. And if you have a larger range, then you still have the situation of players leaving (for example a 90% vs 100% completion rate).

Lichess has a system where if your opponent leaves the game for a couple of minutes (depending on the time limit), you can claim victory. Players that frequently leave games are usually reported and temporarily banned.

You can report players that do so by using

People who abort too many games, leave or stall on time will receive an automatic playban, duration of which increases with each new infraction. If you accumulated enough playbans, you'll lose your account. And if you decide to evade the ban, we'll close your new account as well.
I posted on this a while back and suggested that the % of completed games should be prominent info during the initial 20 second countdown. My thought being that you could abort the game if someone had a very low % completion rate.

On reflection though its just something you have to learn to deal with as part of online chess. Whatever system whether it be temporary or permanent bans you will never stop it.
Lets face it if you are childish and disrespectful enough to walk away because you are losing. Then your mentality is not going to one of worrying about the consequences.
Recently I found a very clever way to avoid leavers. I just lose all my games :-(
Yeah its an option. If the rating are that important move and quit. Let the Trolls have the points if that's all they have in life lol
A simple solution for LOBBY chalanges: the completion rate (%) to be in the list, after the players name, like his rating.
When you set a new game for the LOBBY, to be an option to set game completion range for your oponent, just like you can set the rating range.
I will choose 90-100%, because for some reason, honest people could be sometimes in the situation to leave the game.

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