
Feature Removal Request

Just wondering everyone's opinion about starting to remove features that are used by less than 1% of users here. What are the benefits and/or consequences of doing so. Or if u just want to troll me that's cool too. I've been married so there's no way in he** anyone could trigger me. Have a good day/afternoon/morning/night!
The only features I can think of off the top of my head that are used by 1% or less of users would be keyboard move input and similar such stuff, and the 1% who do use them probably need them, so unless you are specifically talking about some other feature then I guess they need to stay.
@no_bullet_thanks I dunno if it would be necessary. Just wanted to to gain some feedback from the community.

@everyone else
I don't have any statistics on site usage by users. Just thought it would free up space for any new features that lichess would like to try out.

Thanks for the replies! Always appreciated!

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