
Time out resulted in a draw

Hey guys,

I think I might have found a bug, I recently played this game . My opponent ran out of time and yet the game ended in a draw instead of my win. Can someone verify whether this is indeed a bug or if not, explain why this happened?
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@ulman13, this is not a bug. It was a draw because white doesn't have enough material to checkmate with. If you had any other piece you would have won.
In your game against wg0906 your opponent runs out of time, you have unsufficient material to give mate in any possible way, therefore it's a draw.
@cr7ronaldo2008 I can't conceive of any way to helpmate if white only has a bishop or a knight. Unless I'm wrong, those positions should also be drawn in the case of a timeout per the rules.
Thanks guys, I didn't know that. I guess the message could be a bit more detailed so the less advanced player knew that this wasn't a bug. Closed

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