
What happened with offering a rematch?

What happened to offering rematches? To me it seems not very sporty to play just one game and move on to the next without offering your opponent a rematch. Am I missing something or is this just the new 'fashion'?
Nobody owes you a rematch. It's an option that must be agreed by both sides and not offering/accepting a rematch is not at all unsporting.
Okay, I still think it is sporty to offer a rematch regardless of the result. It just to happen standard here at lichess now hardly anyone does it. But thanks for your reply and maybe indeed I should stop offering rematches too but it feels weird somehow.
it depends who i am playing. if it's a good player that plays a time control i like, i'll rematch. some random 20+0 i won't rematch.
Yes I am talking about just 5 minute games blitz. And sure it can happen that you have to go for whatever reason - but for fun I started checking - and the 99% of the players just move on to the next player. Then there are also players who only rematch if they win :). Again to me it seems a normal gentleman/sporty to offer a rematch in blitz but it is probably tactically better to move on after one game :). And of course I realise you do not HAVE to :). You also do not have to shake someone's hand or say hi back it is just more pleasant if you do. Anyways it is not a huge deal of course i was just curious to hear people s opinion.
@ArnaudW did you check prior discussion before opening yet a another pointhless whining about the issue? Just the threads of this year will suffice for a looong time
I rarely offer a rematch, accept sometimes, mostly in variants. What do you find sporty about offering rematches? What's the point, where's the sportsmanship in it?
I understand that greetings and shaking hands are being polite, but offering a rematch is something more, it means that you WANT to play again the same opponent. I rarely do. I don't see any reason for playing a game that I won't be interested in.
#5 "it is probably tactically better to move on after one game :)"

Rematches don't equal sportsmanship in my opinion. If people want to do rematches more power to them but not everyone wants to/can do. I rarely accept or offer take backs as I usually want to review my games after (I have a lot to learn). Theres 41k other players online for you to play against right this second who will give you a game though.
Well it is good to hear people's opinion. I often look at the games afterwards too - but in that case I just tell my opponent and they can move on or stick around for another game. In addition you can see your opponent going to the analyses board so there is no issue in that at all. Of course there are plenty of players. I was just curious to hear people's opinion on this matter. In chess you can have the white and the black pieces and it still seems to me polite to offer a rematch so the other player has a chance with the other colour and visa versa. Based on this very small sample it get the impression people do not share this thought. Good to know. Thanks all for your polite and well considered replies. Good luck with the games :)

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