
Why isn't Lichess allowing my stream request ??

Few days ago , my stream profile was declined by Lichess . Although I had a streamer profile before my streamer profile was deleted from Lichess .. Now , when I am requesting moderator review for my stream profile , I believe they are denying it .. Please accept my stream request as I want to be a Lichess streamer ..
But before that I had a streamer profile and I used to stream on twitch . But now I don't have a streamer profile . Also , many people of my age are streaming on Lichess through twitch ..
By the way , I have again requested a moderator review .. Please accept it ..
@adityadeadly said in #5:

Dude just chill out and wait. They'll get to you eventually. You do realize that there are a bunch of other people just like you that have the same issue right? You don't just get automatic priority. Wait in line, and you will be served eventually.
@Pro1234Player said in #6:
> dont ping thibault or any other mod.


@TCF_Namelecc said in #7:
> Dude just chill out and wait. They'll get to you eventually. You do realize that there are a bunch of other people just like you that have the same issue right? You don't just get automatic priority. Wait in line, and you will be served eventually.

1. There's an age minimum
2. i am definitely sure the people your age streaming on twitch ignored the twitch TOS
3. you can't apply to be mod
4. don't ping thibault or really anyone that you're not close with/is not associated with the current topic
5. all caps aren't necessary lol
@shepbox said in #9:
> 1. There's an age minimum
> 2. i am definitely sure the people your age streaming on twitch ignored the twitch TOS
> 3. you can't apply to be mod
> 4. don't ping thibault or really anyone that you're not close with/is not associated with the current topic
> 5. all caps aren't necessary lol

I will not ping thibault . SORRY !! But I had a streaming page before but not now .. That's what I am appealing about ..

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