
I want to get 2100 rapid, blitz and classical by this month, any tips?

You are not going to increase your Rapid (which is 1730), Blitz (which is 1616), and Classical (which is 1535) ratings to 2100 in so little time.

Relax: What's the rush?

Go watch "Chess vibes" on YouTube, just try to enjoy the game, and see how far you can go, but don't push it.
Chess has no shortcuts. You have to know basic things and know right tactics, openings. Step by step you have to go
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Ok, easy :

Month 1. Take Maths & Physics class

Year 1-5. Get a Master's degree in Maths & Physics

Year 5-.8 Get a Phd in Physics

Year 9-15. Publish famous articles and focus on time-related issues

Year 15-25. Become a physicist of international renown in matter of space-time issue

Year 25-30. Invent a time-machine

Year 30-32. Become 2100 rapid

Year 32. Come back in october 2021, kill your younger self and Voila.
My tip is to get a reasonable time frame.

There is a 500 point gap in blitz to your goal. and rapid i would say rapid is about 100 points higher than your blitz rating by default, so 400 gap. Id say, with proper training, you can tackle like maybe 50-100 points a month. Most of the problem is not to arrive at your desired rating points, its to actually maintain it through out the time. 1 day you might be on fire and increase 100 points, but then you lose them next day, so.

Since i think your goal is not realistic, i can give you tips on how to properly train, and if you follow the advice by march next year you might have the goal at the tip of your hands, if not sooner if you are exceptionally good at retaining information.

1.- Get a small repertoire for white. And what i mean, is choose 1 opening you want to actually play, which you will play every single game, but have like 3 more openings ready for each response (for instance, me, i aim for the scoth gambit, so i play 1.- e4, but i have tools for obviously, e5, but also, c5, d5, c6 and the petroff d).

For black is the same drill, but your repertoire has to be a bit more robust, But the openings you choose have to give you decent chance of winning and high draw chance.

2.- Do at least 100 puzzles if you have not done so. This is not for improving, is just to feed enough information to the dashboard to see where you are not good enough.

3.- Go to your puzzle dashboard, and see at what theme you suck at.

4.- Once identified, go to puzzles, once a puzzle is loaded, at the left panel there is a link to "themed puzzles". Pick the theme you suck at, and grind it until you really dominate it. This step is a loop. once you really dominate the one where you are bad at, you go to the second worst, rinse and repeat. But you do make sure you are studying 1 theme at the time. If you go all over the place, the improvements on each theme will be negligible.

You see, if you are presented a situation where you can exploit the theme, but you dont really dominate it, or dont even know the theme exist, you wont even see the possibility is there, let alone exploit it. Which means, its a game you cant win on the spot. If you delay the improvement on that particular subject for a week, its a week you wont be winning games on the spot when that theme arrives. Thats a lot of points to let go if you want to climb. But if you train all themes at once, you wont see all the solutions at the same time, as the abilities have different peak points, and you do require to fully dominate certain themes to enable the rest. So dominate 1 by 1. Thats the proper way of training.

5.- Once you are very proactive with basic themes, play games. A lot of them, result is not really important yet. The important part is to arrive at middle game with at least equality.

6.- At this point, i recommend to get a third party software that allows you to do a tree search in your openings. Like scid vs pc.

7.- Check all games (similar to step 4) on each variation, see in which ones you didnt reach at least equality at mid game. Correct them. Variation by variation.

8.- Study middle game.

9.-Now, you have to make sure to reach end game with at least equality.

10.- Repeat step 7, but now check in which games you didnt reach equality at end game.

11.- Study end games,

Do 1 hr puzzles a day, play for 1 hour a day. and once or twice a week, analyze where you are screwing up. Next week use it to train the theme that you are failing at (you should see a trend on your analysis) and to correct the mistakes you were making the week prior in your general openings.

If i stopped playing chess right now, and you ask me 30 years later if i know how to mate with king + rook. I will not fail to answer properly. The reason is because i KNOW how to do it, i dont guess it, knowledge just doesnt vanish.

If you study all themes without proper order, you wont really know them, so if for some reason, you are training all over the place and you have to step out from chess for a couple of months, or years (like i did) you wont have much to start again with. But even if you dont stop playing. Themes that you dont dominate, but are improving at minimal speed, you might forget how to properly exploit.

Chess is learn best by modules. Dominate 1, go to the next one. Follow a proper study pattern, and you will see steady climb. Hope by the first quarter of the next year you are closer to your goal, tell me how it went.

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