
When you mix multiple openings in just one game

I was white, he played a stafford gambit, I attacked his knight, he goes for a fried liver attack and I though to myself :" Can I just ridiculously traxler him?" and yes I could, and of course I did, and he puts his king to the safest square in the traxler. I castled to safety, knowing he hasn't any discovered attacks since his knight and my queen were on opposite colors. He attacked my queen and defend checkmate (Qf7# is guarded by the knight) so I attack his knight, then he goes for a breathing room that I punished of course. I pinned his bishop, he attacks my queen with a pawn, so I moved my queen up and btw checking, then he pushes his pawn, of course a huge blunder of mate in 2. put my rook over, only king move and Qxg7#. Enjoy!
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@TheKingClash said in #2:
> 6.Be2 is better, to prevent Black's attack on f2. After 6. Be2 0-0 7.0-0 followed by solidifying the position with d3 and Be3, white is simply up a pawn.

who wants a quiet play?

@IndianDoraemon said in #3:
> @WassimBerbar traxler is a opening for black.

I invented a better version for white this time :)=)

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