
Computer analysis of one move never loads (for me at least)

When I'm analysing my games, the computer analysis button to analyse the whole game works fine. However, when I turn on Stockfish 8 AMJS to analyse one particular move, it never loads. I've left it for 5 minutes on and it still is loading. Is this a bug, or is it just something to do with my internet?

I use Safari on an iPad to access the site, if that helps at all.
Safari is not officially supported by Lichess: as far as I know, no testing has been done on Safari, so maybe local analysis just doesn't work.

Local analysis requires that the browser supports Portable Native Client (PNaCl) so that your computer's processors can be used for analysis. Safari may not support PNaCl but I don't know because I've never used Safari.
The thing is that local analysis has worked fine in the past, but when Stockfish 8 AMJS was introduced it just stopped working. Does it mean I have to download things like Chrome?
I believe Stockfish 8 ASMJS is a Javascript engine - it does not support the "Go deeper" function. You should be seeing "Stockfish 8 NATIVE" rather than ASMJS.
>>"The thing is that local analysis has worked fine in the past, but when Stockfish 8 AMJS was introduced it just stopped working."

I'm experiencing basically the same thing, but with a bit of a twist. Now when I use it to practise, if I make a move that it is not suggesting, it no longer gives new suggestions. It is useless now.

iPad 2, (always) using Safari.
Same Problem - just with i-pad and i-phone!
I hope liches Can repair quickly ....😟
Sometimes it works and sometimes it stops on "Loading engine...", sometimes vary the number of threads fixes it sometimes not.

Firefox - ubuntu
I downloaded google chrome just for the faster stockfish and now I use chrome for analyzing it is so much faster and has the go deeper option too, I did have a engine loading bugs once in a while with firefox.
Thanks for letting the developers know about this error. I don't know whether all of these issues are the same issue or not; I'm sure we'll be answer to answer inquiries soon.
Not sure, but it is suspicious that it only occurs by me, if I switch on multiple lines.

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