
You tube

What was your first reaction when someone said you tube to you for the first time ?
you tube or youtube?
if you tube then I would point out that I'm not a tube
I thought of the red play button that is the logo of Youtube.
my reaction needs caps lock ,
I would take tube to be used as a verb, possibly a type of fat-soaked fast food shaped like a tube.
Or tube as a verb could be a surfing reference to a wave shaped like a huge tube.
In either case I would reply "I don't tube."
To bathe, or not to bathe ? That's the question.
And then:

To have a shower, instead, or not to have a shower at all ?


Urine-therapy, or no Urine-Therapy, before the shower ?
As Leonard Cohen said:

" First, we take Manhattan... Then we take Berlin ! "
hi dragon , you are or you're
but we dont need no grammer dibble in forums so i will not mention it
The first time someone said youtube to me, I said "I'm not a tube, you are!"

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