
Quitting Forum

Hi guys,

This is my last message to you all, I won't be posting any forums or answering any PM's instead of my before friends. Thanks it was a nice journey with you all. You can still challenge to a game. But goodbye everybody! Also, want to know the reason I am quitting? It's just that I don't like talking to peoples much. But now I have to say goodbye and Goodluck on your chess journey! I will be posting on instead. My profile in is infectiousplug or But goodbye again! Have a good chess journey and great and long life :).
I don't want to be rude, but who asked and who cares? You don't have to announce such things in the forums. Also, if you do not like to talk to people that much, why did you write this in the forums in the first place? Anyways, goodbye you infected plug!
@Vatsal_1123 said in #1:
> Hi guys,
> This is my last message to you all, I won't be posting any forums or answering any PM's instead of my before friends. Thanks it was a nice journey with you all. You can still challenge to a game. But goodbye everybody! Also, want to know the reason I am quitting? It's just that I don't like talking to peoples much. But now I have to say goodbye and Goodluck on your chess journey! I will be posting on instead. My profile in is infectiousplug or But goodbye again! Have a good chess journey and great and long life :).

"Also, want to know the reason I am quitting? It's just that I don't like talking to peoples much."

"I will be posting on instead."

yeah this makes a lot of sense
So the reason you're quitting was because you don't like talking to people that much, so what I'm going to do is post on instead! Wow. Not that is bad, I thought you didn't like talking to people.

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