
cheating appears to have gotten worse

It’s become clear to me that the cheating has increased exponentially in the past month or so. I’ve lost 250 rating points in 2 months and all of a sudden 14 and 1500s are killing me. It’s impossible for a casual player to start reporting basically half the players I’m facing (I’d rather just move on and play another game) but lichess needs to step it up a notch because it appears to be far worse now.
Cheaters are always taken care of. The mods here, check the recent games of the cheater to see whether they are cheating or not.
#1 probably it takes under 48 hours (2 days) to detect cheat.

As technology evolved, cheaters evolved
You dont face cheaters every second game, thats just not true.

You simply played worse in recent time, and now you are trying to find an excuse. You blame others instead of working on your game.

Be aware, that if you report lots of people that are not actually cheaters, lichess will not take your reports as seriously anymore. So your reports almost go directly to the trashcan - where the belong.
Your ratings are about the same as they were 3 months ago. Gaining 150 rating points in a single month is unlikely to be due to a legitimate increase in playing strength, and losing them and falling back to the rating you were at before is not unreasonable. The fluctuations are even more likely in faster time controls, where players are overall a lot less consistent. As of writing this, you've gained 78 ratings points in a single day.

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