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My opponent had no mating piece when I lost on time. Isn't that a draw in chess? Why did the system say that I lost and deducted points from my rating?

How do I report this to get rewarded appropriately?

See game link below. Notice my opponent made the last move before I timed out.

Dear Davenof,

Hope you're doing fine.

I went through the game you posted above. First of all, congratulations for bringing the game this far with a dominant position! A bit faster would have probably turned the game in your favo(u)r.

Coming to the above game, I have to disagree with your statement that black does not have any mating piece. Black has a knight along with a king, and you have several other pieces. This means that black can possibly checkmate you. One such sequence of moves where black can deliver checkmate is as follows:
57. Kg1 Nd5 58. Kh1 Nf4 59. Rc1 Nxh3 60. Rg1 Kc6 61. Nc5 Kd6 62. Nb7+ Ke5 63. Ne5 Kf4 64. Ne6+ Kg3 65. Nf4 Nf2# 0-1

Since black has a possible checkmate sequence, they were awarded victory when you ran out of time. You may wish to read the F.A.Q. on Lichess which covers this and directs users to the relevant section of the FIDE handbook for further information. Please find shared the relevant F.A.Q. link as follows: ( which should hopefully answer any further queries. Feel free to post here if you still have any confusion related to this.

@Davenof said in #1:
> My opponent had no mating piece when I lost on time. Isn't that a draw in chess? Why did the system say that I lost and deducted points from my rating?
> How do I report this to get rewarded appropriately?
> See game link below. Notice my opponent made the last move before I timed out.
If black has a piece left and you have a piece that could trap you into a checkmate, even if it's 100% not going to happen, if it's possible by a series of moves, it's a win for your opponent if you run out of time.

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