
Show players flag



I'm suggesting the flags be shown if ever there's an Olympiad style tournament here on Lichess, it would be really great to see flags shown during something like that, never mind the overwhelming publicity Lichess would garner from a tournament like that.

All it takes is a little idea and a whole lot of imagination, that being said, I hope to see or hear of an online Olympiad style tournament here on LC.
a nice idea, very often i talk in english in the game, but my opponent is Italian as me...

with the flags you can understand if your opponent is from your country and you avoid to view his profile to understand where he from
This feature I think would be a popular one. For example, in the last tournament I played the one thing asked in the chat was "Where are you all from?" (and this happens alot).
Yea, well > than half the people lie about a flag when forced to include one. You can always look at a profile, if the member wishes to express his country, he does. Half the members at CC sport a flag from Easter Island or Antarctica. You'd think nobody lived in the cities anymore.
I prefer a clean, simple look. Flags, pictures, soon turn into gifs. Add this bell, that whistle, soon the entire page becomes cluttered.
@mdinnerspace I agree that I love the clean feel of Lichess, but the flag feature won't change that. It is very small, and is also pre-made by Lichess, so no worries of inappropriate use.

Of course we can't know for certain that the user doesn't lie about their country, but this is no issue. Most of the time it will work.

Also, I think there should be a "Lichess flag" that one can use (and is default if user doesn't chooses a flag). This allows the option of anonymity.

Displaying flags appeals to a lot of members. It's not a bad idea at all. But, as pointed out, there are several drawbacks. A big one, by prominently displaying a persons nationality, a great many of players will, (unnecessarily), abort games at the start. It's a sad fact, but nonetheless real, players don't like certain other countries because of politics and such.

The issue can be described as what "image" to present. Other sites allow icons, even gifs to be displayed. Making such options available appeals to much of the younger set who like all the social media gimmicks to attract attention. Personally, I do not see the use. It's about the chess when creating seeks. Having one type of advertisement as a Flag will naturally lead to other requests of advertising pictures by usernames. Half the people with a lichess flag, the other half maybe, maybe not choosing their country's flag, which may or may not result in players discrimination because of... I just don't think it's all that great an addition.
It already is an option in the profile. Why make a flag visible, like carrying one around, every where one goes ?
I think maybe this is a feature that the community should be able to vote on.
Sure. It's a nice idea. I asking about it here before, but it is almost not discussed :(
Idea is really nice, I have the same opinion, flags is the last thing where is better. Hope, that Lichess enter this.
P. S. Players, who don't want to have their flag displayed, may use Lichess flag. And, it's my opinion only, I do not care whether the correct flag is the opponent, importantly, it's presence even the design is refreshing, especially in the absence of profile-avatar (better without it, by the way)

@rasmuslian It is already possible for you to have your banner on your profile and next to your name, you just go in the profile settings and add your ori country...

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