
International Criminal Court Arrest Warrants of Israeli and Hamas leaders

Fighting is illegal.
Lose and go to hospital.
Win and go to jail.

Copy/pasted from a local government PSA poster, I saw hanging in a bar in Henan province, China.
Fools and liars, why wouldn't a normal country have the right to defend itself???
@zvik said in #22:
> Fools and liars, why wouldn't a normal country have the right to defend itself???
The issues, at least from my perspective, is the use of excessive force.

You don't use a hammer to crack an egg.
@zvik said in #22:
How can ythe oppressor defend himself from the oppressed?
From what are they defending themselves, children? Women? Doctors perhaps?
Yes because children are 5amas, women are 5amas, they will become terrorists one day so let's just kill them /s
Wasreal is not defending itself, it's making excuses to hide a genocide, probably the reason why they want so badly to get El Jazeera out and pro Palestine reporters, probably the reason why Waeel a pro Palestine journalist got "sniped" and shot in the leg
As an aside, I find it hilarious that African countries are armed with western technology to fight amongst themselves. They should just use spears.
They use force relatively fair to someone who massacred fathers and mothers of civilians and kidnapped hundreds of decent people
The organized and coordinated torturing and murdering of innocent women and children, deliberately and without warning, is not a school yard fight. At least, not in most school yards.

It appears to be war, and so does responding to it.

Should Britain have been careful not to kill "too many" Germans after London was bombed? Should America have stopped, after Pearl Harbor, as soon as it had killed 2,403 enemy soldiers? Should Russia have stopped shooting at Germans when they began to withdraw from Leningrad? Would that have been realistic and advisable until those who started World War II had been beaten or surrendered? Should Roosevelt and Churchill have been indicted for war crimes?

It's a horrible situation, and it shouldn't have begun. We should all have sympathy and not animosity toward the innocent civilians, on both sides, who have suffered and are suffering as a consequence of this war. I hope this war can stop soon and will be waged in the meantime with effort to try to avoid collateral damage to innocents. Wars suck, obviously, and shouldn't be started.
Are we trying to pretend Hamas was threatening to invade the World? Seriously!

We reached Godwin.
So far as I can see, nobody suggested that Hamas was threatening to invade the world. And even if they were, how would that require a change to anything written? Even small wars are horrible and shouldn't be started. Is that really controversial?

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