
Lichess Chat/Forum/Private messages translator

@dboing I haven't done any programming in years, but I got interested again and wish to relearn things. I am also interested in the architecture of programs like these. But also how does it access translator program for example? I know these are not easy to create. In fact I'm not sure if there are any other than google.
@AnatolijKasparov I am also curious, about the current state of translation engines and whether the APIs (application programming interface) follow some standard for the request syntax (what web programming language, many wrappers). You know like chess engine and software have the UCI standard so that you have software that are developed without hardwired chess engines, but which are able to use any engine software, as long as the interface is UCI.

Sorry if I made things too explicit. I was curious if translation engines like Yandex and Google are interchangeable that way?
Maybe answers to that, will offer AnatolijKasparov, something to ponder and give him some entry point in where things have gone during the hiatus. So perhaps @LamLamer could tell us, from his experience something about that. Maybe we can use a few translation engines in this thread to see (not programmatically, but for the results).
v.4.0: fixes and new translation targets. Now possible to translate the hints and training messages. Lets try ;)
v.4.3: updated private messages page translating, some fixes.

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