
Impenetrable fortress

How is it an "impenetrable" fortress ? White literally has mate in two.

It isn't even a fortress in the first place.
@oln, the way you play chess, is still, unknown, for us, humans. Please, tell us the way to go !

Just kidding...

You are Funny !
Anyway, chess is not so brilliant, as it looks like, from outside the shop.
If you enter the shop, you'll discover that you can cook those Kogel Hupfs, or Kugel Hopfs, yourself.
Sponge cakes.

You can cook, also, a Brownie.
You can boil some rice ! In your own kitchen.
In the end, you can do whatever you want, but bare in mind, that you can do, only if you will.
You've got to choose, between letting others, cook...

Or manifesting yourself, in such a shop. Manifesting ! Yourself. Like a demonstration, accross the street. With writings and paintings. Meaning something like:

<< You ain't street ! You barely sidewalk ! >>

<< Cookies in the Jar. >>

When Jerry Seinfeld began his career as a stand-up comedian, in New York City, he was good at script-writing and somehow, sometimes, he didn't feel like writing any paragraph, at all ! So, for the sake of doing something, not so extraordinary, but essential ( like Vincent Van Gogh )...

For the sake of filling the blanks...
For the sake of covering the whole canvas !

He invented a reward, from Jerry, to Seinfeld:

Cookies in the Jar !
He deserved one cookie, only !
If he dared write one joke. From the beginning, to the end. One modern joke. One urban joke. One Big Apple joke.

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