
Plumbing new depths.

Not content leading a corrupt government, our Prime Minister disgraces our Nation by leaving a service dedicated to the fallen on D-Day early, to attend an interview with a TV station. The sooner we vote this lot out, the better.
@MrPushwood said in #2:
> Dead guys don't vote.

You are from USA, right ? Cuz I imagined that you would be more respectful of the heroes thanks to whom you are there.

they no longer need to vote, because it is thanks to them that you can have the privilege of doing this.
#3 Outstanding reply ...God bless America..and god bless Britain’s friendship with America.
I don't believe @MrPushwood meant in any way to disrespect the fallen.

To the contrary, I think that he was merely making an astute comment (not at all for the first time) -- about the nature of politics.

To be clear, however, I second and heartily endorse both @CSKA_Moscou's understanding of the incredibly important contribution of the fallen and @HiramHolliday 's hope for long-continued friendship between America and Britain.

Indeed, I'd love to shout "God save the queen" next time I partake of an adult beverage. Britain has produced some truly wonderful queens over the years. Elizabeth. Victoria. No doubt many others that could be named by the eruidite.
And thanks for the horsey, @CSKA_Moscou. Few things -- like Liverpool football or Scotland -- are quite so beautiful.

Yes, I believe that Americans should love Liverpool football and Scotland, also. And I believe that's an objective assessment.
@CSKA_Moscou said in #3:
> You are from USA, right ? Cuz I imagined that you would be more respectful of the heroes thanks to whom you are there.
> they no longer need to vote, because it is thanks to them that you can have the privilege of doing this.

Aw shuddup. My comment was intended to embody the sort of mind set exemplified by the PM referred to in the OP. Too bad a coupla you guys didn't manage to get that (but I'm glad to see that flapsy did). :)
@MrPushwood said in #7:
> Aw shuddup. My comment was intended to embody the sort of mind set exemplified by the PM referred to in the OP. Too bad a coupla you guys didn't manage to get that (but I'm glad to see that flapsy did). :)

in this case, I acknowledge that I did wrong by giving a thumbs down. corrected.

nevertheless, it would have been wise to specify the name of the person (Rishi Sunak, i bet ?) to avoid any misunderstanding because this type of sentence is so common.
