
Hackers Leak Lichess Source Code

Its a JOKE I actually believed u guys for a while and send saw the date and realised this is

I got scared as soon as i saw it . Is it true ? Is dedsec behind this ? Will horsey stop this ?
Im gonna be honest, i fell for it. after 2 minutes i realized lichess is open source anyways ̄\_(ツ)_/ ̄
Your message worries me a lot! Putin is probably behind it.
"satisfactory conclusion by end of day, April 1st."

I'm sure you will :)
@CSAIJAGRUTH said in #54:
> I got scared as soon as i saw it . Is it true ? Is dedsec behind this ? Will horsey stop this ?
Nah, if you check the upload dates in the place where the "source code was leaked" there was something sent every year and days on end, this might be a joke, but should not be taken TOO lightly (because it can be real).
actually there is 100% of hackers active today rigght now because we all call it april fools day, it is also called jokers day which represents the hackers

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