In a game I played against mohaniswaran, on my end it seemed as though on move 15 my opponent simply wasn't playing a move. When after 5 minutes or so their time ran out and I was not awarded a win, I opened lichess again in a new tab and found my opponent had played a move minutes previously and it had been my turn. I lost over 6 minutes to this.
This has happened several times to me. Opponent stops moving, , a message appears; "Your opponent has left game" "countdown xx seconds until claim victory, draw or wait". If select one of the options the count down time starts again to " Victory Claim" after a few times his time runs out and the Message to "claim victory" still appears. I can not move any pieces and my clock is not running. I never signed out. When I go the game in my history a, I have lost the game and reason is that I left the game . I open another instance of Lichess I am showing a loss because I left the game. I really try not to leave the page because some players also just sit there because they are trying to get you to close the page so you can not get in again in time before they claim victory.
Maybe I am missing something here?
Maybe I am missing something here?
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