
this mate have a name??

#8 I just had to look up "Philidor's mate" :-) If I'm right a special path to the smothered mate is called Phillidor's mate

"...The procedure is: check with the knight, then move the knight away to deliver a double check from the queen and knight, then sacrifice the queen to force the rook next to the king, then mate with the knight... ...This technique is so common as to have its own name: Philidor's Mate or Philidor's Legacy (after François-André Danican Philidor). This is something of a misnomer, however, as it is earlier described in Luis Ramirez Lucena's 1497 text on chess, Repetición de Amores e Arte de Axedrez,[2] which predates Philidor by several hundred years." (1.1.2016)

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