@RedHotP4wn said in #28:
> Haha, mine ended the other day! I have PCOS, and lemme tell you PCOS is not fun. My periods are all over the place, I get random blackheads and pimples, I get a mustache (yes a mustache) that I have to shave... so yeah, that’s MY girl struggle. Also trying to dress my age (18) and getting told I look “cute” because I have a baby face and I’m short (157 cm/5’2)
Oh no that's actually awesome to have a baby face. My freind is the shortest in class. She gets hurt if someone is mean about her hight and noone ever is mean to her. We all treat her like a baby and are very sweet and have so much fun with hrt coz of her baby face. We love playing with her cheeks.
> Haha, mine ended the other day! I have PCOS, and lemme tell you PCOS is not fun. My periods are all over the place, I get random blackheads and pimples, I get a mustache (yes a mustache) that I have to shave... so yeah, that’s MY girl struggle. Also trying to dress my age (18) and getting told I look “cute” because I have a baby face and I’m short (157 cm/5’2)
Oh no that's actually awesome to have a baby face. My freind is the shortest in class. She gets hurt if someone is mean about her hight and noone ever is mean to her. We all treat her like a baby and are very sweet and have so much fun with hrt coz of her baby face. We love playing with her cheeks.
@sAnDrAiSgOod said in #6:
> some struggles i face is telling my dad that i am not his servant because i am a girl....i think hes still stuck in the middle ages
You are not anyones servant you better have a talk with your dad or find someone to help. This is crazy!!
PS: I am male
> some struggles i face is telling my dad that i am not his servant because i am a girl....i think hes still stuck in the middle ages
You are not anyones servant you better have a talk with your dad or find someone to help. This is crazy!!
PS: I am male
@Aster_blossom said in #32:
> Oh cramps Damm I don’t really get bad ones because I am on medication but girl!! I respect you you’re so strong!!
Thank you so much!! I think all of us girls are role models, because we deal with periods after all.
> Dude your inspiration!! AND WHICH SCHOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE PADS?? my school provides pads and extra clothes and my class teacher (she is a doc too, and fr my Savior <3) keeps extra pads in her bag for kids!!
> I think you should speak to the school because they don’t realise that they are making little girls insecure about periods which is very toxic
> Also from now on I will also help my juniors!!! I never thought about this so thx!!
Tysm! Actually, I just finished 10th grade in India, so it's no school for me because in my state we have 11th and 12th in a special school called Junior college. So, yea, I can't do much now...
We're actually not allowed to speak like that to our school. Because I would actually prefer announcing it out in our daily morning assembly, but problems that didn't allow me to do so are:
1. In our school boys are strictly banned from listening or indulging in period conversations.
2. I was actually the manager of the school's green environment and the in charge of environmental awareness, so that's all I could speak on. Periods were a part of the health and hygiene management. Let's just say doing otherwise would not just get my title docked...but also my grades and a beautiful gift of suspension.
3. Our school has never made an assembly on women's health or at least woman empowerment.
4. The principal mam isn't exactly empathetic....
I recall an incident a year ago, when I was near the girl's washrooms. A girl around eleven turned the corner, mounted down the steps and into the bathroom. A minute later, she came out, tears pouring down her face.
I asked her, "What's wrong?'
She started crying even more, and a friend of hers came up and told me, "I think she got her first period."
I am so thankful that I was on my own period at that time. I always carried two pads, for a just-in-case, and handed my extra to the girl, explained how to use it. She went home after that. From them on, I always carried extra pads.
My school's a bit of a cheapskate. But at least because of that we girls learnt to support each other.
> Oh cramps Damm I don’t really get bad ones because I am on medication but girl!! I respect you you’re so strong!!
Thank you so much!! I think all of us girls are role models, because we deal with periods after all.
> Dude your inspiration!! AND WHICH SCHOOL DOES NOT PROVIDE PADS?? my school provides pads and extra clothes and my class teacher (she is a doc too, and fr my Savior <3) keeps extra pads in her bag for kids!!
> I think you should speak to the school because they don’t realise that they are making little girls insecure about periods which is very toxic
> Also from now on I will also help my juniors!!! I never thought about this so thx!!
Tysm! Actually, I just finished 10th grade in India, so it's no school for me because in my state we have 11th and 12th in a special school called Junior college. So, yea, I can't do much now...
We're actually not allowed to speak like that to our school. Because I would actually prefer announcing it out in our daily morning assembly, but problems that didn't allow me to do so are:
1. In our school boys are strictly banned from listening or indulging in period conversations.
2. I was actually the manager of the school's green environment and the in charge of environmental awareness, so that's all I could speak on. Periods were a part of the health and hygiene management. Let's just say doing otherwise would not just get my title docked...but also my grades and a beautiful gift of suspension.
3. Our school has never made an assembly on women's health or at least woman empowerment.
4. The principal mam isn't exactly empathetic....
I recall an incident a year ago, when I was near the girl's washrooms. A girl around eleven turned the corner, mounted down the steps and into the bathroom. A minute later, she came out, tears pouring down her face.
I asked her, "What's wrong?'
She started crying even more, and a friend of hers came up and told me, "I think she got her first period."
I am so thankful that I was on my own period at that time. I always carried two pads, for a just-in-case, and handed my extra to the girl, explained how to use it. She went home after that. From them on, I always carried extra pads.
My school's a bit of a cheapskate. But at least because of that we girls learnt to support each other.
@goldenbuoy said in #34:
> I try to when I see it, that is one of the reasons I am not popular among stupid dudes. lol
it is better to stay alone and gain respect rather than be in a toxic environment and ruin your mindset. huge respect to you <3
> I try to when I see it, that is one of the reasons I am not popular among stupid dudes. lol
it is better to stay alone and gain respect rather than be in a toxic environment and ruin your mindset. huge respect to you <3
well technically you dont HAVE to be popular, js have good friends that help you along the way and focus of js being urself and not like others
p.s. yes, i am a girl
p.s. yes, i am a girl
well..periods can be hard and a painful time to get through.
last year, we had a sports day march past. my best friend Kavitha just got her periods and she has awful cramps on the first two days. she asked whether she could sit, but she was denied permission. as she continued to march in the hot sun, her cramps grew more and more painful till she just cried. only then was she allowed to sit. I went and sat next to her. The teachers couldn't come.
And that's just one.
This year, my friend turned 13, a teen and hasn't gotten her periods. we see Kavitha upset and not eating during her periods all the time. My friend is now terrified of getting her periods because she doesn't want to have cramps. even if we try to convince her that the level of cramps varies with every person, she isn't convinced. She's still scared, even till now. She dreads the day they will come and...can't stop thinking about them. We learnt about the process of menstruation in science this year, and it only made her more scared of them.
last year, we had a sports day march past. my best friend Kavitha just got her periods and she has awful cramps on the first two days. she asked whether she could sit, but she was denied permission. as she continued to march in the hot sun, her cramps grew more and more painful till she just cried. only then was she allowed to sit. I went and sat next to her. The teachers couldn't come.
And that's just one.
This year, my friend turned 13, a teen and hasn't gotten her periods. we see Kavitha upset and not eating during her periods all the time. My friend is now terrified of getting her periods because she doesn't want to have cramps. even if we try to convince her that the level of cramps varies with every person, she isn't convinced. She's still scared, even till now. She dreads the day they will come and...can't stop thinking about them. We learnt about the process of menstruation in science this year, and it only made her more scared of them.
@sriyamathur said in #47:
> well..periods can be hard and a painful time to get through.
> last year, we had a sports day march past. my best friend Kavitha just got her periods and she has awful cramps on the first two days. she asked whether she could sit, but she was denied permission. as she continued to march in the hot sun, her cramps grew more and more painful till she just cried. only then was she allowed to sit. I went and sat next to her. The teachers couldn't come.
> And that's just one.
> This year, my friend turned 13, a teen and hasn't gotten her periods. we see Kavitha upset and not eating during her periods all the time. My friend is now terrified of getting her periods because she doesn't want to have cramps. even if we try to convince her that the level of cramps varies with every person, she isn't convinced. She's still scared, even till now. She dreads the day they will come and...can't stop thinking about them. We learnt about the process of menstruation in science this year, and it only made her more scared of them.
poor girl.. trauma is trauma- you cant help it. how i wish i could sue indian schools.. they dont want to listen to anything, they just implement some good for nothing rules, expect you to follow them and thats all. even the education system of india is pure shit. and im saying this from whatever experience i've had. seriously.
> well..periods can be hard and a painful time to get through.
> last year, we had a sports day march past. my best friend Kavitha just got her periods and she has awful cramps on the first two days. she asked whether she could sit, but she was denied permission. as she continued to march in the hot sun, her cramps grew more and more painful till she just cried. only then was she allowed to sit. I went and sat next to her. The teachers couldn't come.
> And that's just one.
> This year, my friend turned 13, a teen and hasn't gotten her periods. we see Kavitha upset and not eating during her periods all the time. My friend is now terrified of getting her periods because she doesn't want to have cramps. even if we try to convince her that the level of cramps varies with every person, she isn't convinced. She's still scared, even till now. She dreads the day they will come and...can't stop thinking about them. We learnt about the process of menstruation in science this year, and it only made her more scared of them.
poor girl.. trauma is trauma- you cant help it. how i wish i could sue indian schools.. they dont want to listen to anything, they just implement some good for nothing rules, expect you to follow them and thats all. even the education system of india is pure shit. and im saying this from whatever experience i've had. seriously.
Periods really suck for everyone involved I have learned what helps and what makes it a whole lot worse
Definitely sucks it was on your birthday periods always seem to come at bad times and be even worse the more of a bad time it is
Hope your birthday was better than it could have been and I hope your cramps just happen at the start
PS. I am a guy but I have a lot of experience with girls and their periods. I have learned just about everything there is to know about the girl I'm talking to and her periods so I can help a lot
Definitely sucks it was on your birthday periods always seem to come at bad times and be even worse the more of a bad time it is
Hope your birthday was better than it could have been and I hope your cramps just happen at the start
PS. I am a guy but I have a lot of experience with girls and their periods. I have learned just about everything there is to know about the girl I'm talking to and her periods so I can help a lot