
It should be option to ban some players.

Many times some retards when have losing position stop playing and waiting to over their time, I think it's not fair play and I'd like ban these morons and don't play with them again, is this possible in anonymous game?
i know that if you wait a few minutes it'll allow you to claim a win

but sometimes you just have to wait.

The way i do it, is to just go and play a blitz game or something and leave the other game open in a different tab
Since it's an anonymous game, just leave. Even a rated game, you can just leave.

I'd like to learn their address so I could stand behind them and turn off their internet every time they start to win at any game. I don't understand the mentality of these morons, but I'd like to have their IP address banned, and I also like a button to complain about their unethical behavior (just in case they return). Just as the anonymous can apply a filter to lobby games, I'd prefer for the +15 to be able to be shut off.

example of +15 and dropping pieces when losing
example of +15 when losing
example if *15 when losing
example of 4 moves and leave
You can complain. Copy the url of your game, press the opponent's profile and write to say what they've done.
I don't understand why this is a topic of discussion. When you agree to start a timed-game, you are realizing that you must be able to play till the end of time. Some opponents might use all of their time to think for the best possible move in which case they run out of time and you win.
@subs197 It is not about using your time to think. It is quite clear that a lot of people just close the game instead of resigning. They using the rules to try to "punish" their opponent instead of using this time to think. If you have mate in one against me and i log off and make you wait fifteen minutes, I was not using my time to think, I just left the game because I was upset.

It is truly a deservice to a great site such as Lichess to have players filled with this childish way of thinking. Because at the end of the day it is truly our community. We can be better people and just take our loss with dignity or we can try to make this chess experience worst for us and everybody around us.
Agree, but I think you can report players from their profile, but I am not too sure.
While this probably won’t help in an Anonymous game, you can Block players from their profiles. I *think* this makes it so that you will never get paired with them again, unless you’re both playing in a tournament.

I usually block rude behaving players. It’s enough for me to know that I’ll never have to play a game with this person again.

I do get your frustration. Losing at chess is sometimes very painful, especially if you’re very emotionally invested in the game. It’s a sign of emotional immaturity to want to “punish” your opponent by abandoning a game where you’re dead lost. There are a lot of emotionally immature people out there. It’s just something that you have to learn to deal with when you play online chess.

It’s also something you have to deal with in life as well. People process pain in different ways. Some process pain and disappointment like adults - when a hurt or slight happens, if they can do something to prevent it from happening again, they do it. There are others who process pain like children - when a hurt or slight happens, they try to address the immediate source of that hurt, but this does absolutely nothing to make them *not* feel that hurt again (e.g becoming a better player).

Adults take responsibility for their lives. Taking responsibility usually resolves conflict and makes life better. In the case of chess, taking responsibility for a loss might mean to look at the source of why you lost the game. It might mean to try to do what you can to identify your mistakes so that you play better next time. An adult will invest energy into resolving the root cause of the pain (so that it doesn’t happen again, or happens less often), rather than wasting time and energy in means that do nothing of the sort (finger pointing, punishing, blaming). These means do nothing to solve the root problem, and the problem persists. Children engage in finger pointing, punishing and blaming. Adults take responsibility for their feelings.

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